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Issue - Shops monopolizing the system

It has become apparent that there are people out there actively buying out other shops and reselling those items at a higher price in their own shop, ultimately leaving all shops out of stock of a specific item and making it only available within one shop at an extreme price (Price gouging).

This is extremely unfair for not just new players but current players and other shop owners who wish to help other players without overpricing the market. There is only one winner in a situation like this, and all it does is create a greedy community and defeats the purpose of making a shop in the first place.

I did not make a shop for other shops to buy me outright and resell at a higher price, I made a shop to sell items to players to use the items I am not using and gaining a little profit for providing the time and effort for said items. If the current /warp market is going to become a monopoly war then I will just shut down my shop and start providing requested items to players face to face at a far cheaper price so they don't have to suffer losing so much money to a greedy system.

The shops should be a fun way for players to make a fun shop, sell some items they don't use for other players that need them for their builds and allow a community friendly place for players to browse and decide who they wish to support and buy from.

It really isn't cool when you go to buy one item and you go through every shop that sells it (including one which just popped up that day) and they are out of stock because another shop brought it all and resells it at a price 5X higher than all of the other shops, that is just selfish and is in no way supporting the servers community.

There is a reason that games like WOW, RIFT, GW2 ban people for this, and that is because it is unfair and immoral. The same goes for shops IRL, it is called the Competition Law. We do not need such behaviour on this server, and it is disgusting and incredibly disappointing that there are people actually doing this.

Money in the game is a fun way to sell and buy, that is true, but we should not be encouraging a greedy system that damages the community and prevents players from freedom of choice and supporting other players and overpricing things to the point that new or poorer players cannot afford.
I agree with this, there will always be competitions to get the lowest prices, which is great for those buying, but when people buy other items to resell for profit it is very immoral, and selfish as far as I'm concerned.
I'm unsure if this has happened to me, because I have not seen it happen ( even though I'm sold out because diff buys everything >.> )
I expect to have to restock my shop as I do try and keep my prices as low as possible and still make a buck, but I sure won't if I being bought out by someone who just wants to make the profit with none of the work :smile:
I don't like this either. I mean, when someone just dominates the market, less people will want to buy things making the economy useless other than paying for ranks and labour like digging
Trading will just move from people using chest shops to trading in person.
That's if it grows/ continues. It's nothing too extensive at present
This is the reason why I believe we should have a Fair Trading system in place. I am happy to work on this if required :smile:
Hopefully now this has been brought to attention on the forums, those involved will be mature enough to rectify this. I am not a fan of searching logs, and I won't be happy if it comes to that.
You clearly see the problem Khaidu and we appreciate it being brought to our attention. Now do you have any suggestions for the admin team to help rectify the issue?
Thank you for taking this matter seriously, as for ideas there is 2 things that could be done to ensure awareness is made and could be a step towards preventing this?

- Rules or guidelines placed in the /warp marketplace that are visible (signs) advising that this is not allowed or encouraged
- Rules added to the wiki and rules pages regarding shop fairness and advising possible consequences of deliberate actions to monopolize the servers economy

I would not rely on mods, and hope the above actions would hopefully prevent this happening in the future.


This monopolisation issue has been on my mind for quite some time, but I never bothered to raise awareness of it; props to Khaidu for taking the initiative to do so!

I agree with the idea of including signage and enforcable rules to dissuade this from happening (unfortunately it still will), and like Lissie I'd be happy to work on any Fair Trading system that may be implemented. As an extension, I think there should be certain commodities that can only be sold at a set price by all shops, things like logs/planks, sand, and stone/cobble. It could be argued that it would partially destroy an otherwise free market, but it would remove price rigging from certain super-common goods, and it would also set a baseline against which shop owners can judge the value of their other marketable items (e.g. diamond) and sell those items at a price of their choice.

Not sure if this helps =S
That's actually a really cool idea Glacyr, as I know people often struggled to determine how to price their items, especially new players and even myself still.
As Stabby said, hopefully now that this discussion is happening people cease to do it, but if it comes to it I think consequences for go again what is determined to be fair is not a bad idea at all.
At the end of they people want to have fun and have the server be friendly an fair. I believe people monopolising the trading system promote a community and environment quite the opposite of that.
With my vast knowledge on things people don't need to know (A lot of it centered around laws), I too would be happy to help work on a fair trading system.
I happened to notice almost everyone who owns a shop only sells items and doesn't buy them. If shop owners bought items as well as sold them the stocks would be harder to monopolize as more shops would have stock so buying them all out would be very hard. I don't know if that would solve the problem or not but it might help. Just my thoughts on this one. Thanks for bringing this up Khaidu.
Having a buy option on a chest shop can be a pain for owners, as they need to limit the amount of things that can be sold to them so they don't be sent broke.
I've seen people take advantage of the buy option many times, sending other players broke. Not saying it is a bad idea, but it needs to be done correctly by shop owners to give the option to people wantin to sell, but also to cover themselves
We could perhaps implement a rule of store holders supplying atleast 1 Sell chest of an item. This could encourage growth within the economy. With a Fair Trading System i would suggest writing a guideline displaying the acceptable maximum price you can put on an item, and also a minimum (for example not going below the admin store prices) as realistically players cannot make a profit if everyone is undercutting each other. Doing this would limit, but still allow competitive pricing within the market and with clear pricing guidelines and consequences to those who chose to ignore said guidelines we should be able to make the market place a much more enjoyable experience for all.
Well... What would happen if we made a price guideline while also confiscating items if we see monopolization happening from overpriced shop owners?

There's not much we can do except make a new rule or completely revamping the shop system with a new plugin.
Maybe have a plugin where-in there is a cap on the price of certain items.

EDIT: Or a refined shop plugin.
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With a Fair Trading System i would suggest writing a guideline displaying the acceptable maximum price you can put on an item, and also a minimum (for example not going below the admin store prices) as realistically players cannot make a profit if everyone is undercutting each other.
If you don't go below admin store prices, no one will buy from your shop, because it would be cheaper to buy from the admin shop. For example, Webs, admin shop price is 200, my price is 150. If I sold for e.g. 250, no one would buy from me.

I feel there is a acceptable limit on how far under "admin shop prices" one should go, sorta thinking no more than half price.

my 2 cents

People would be pretty silly to put it above admin shop price, that said it would prevent newer players from paying excessively high prices due them not being familiar with the admin shop/economy.


Buy price for diamonds, redstone and etc (basically anything you can sell at the admin shop) needs to be higher than selling price at admin shop, too. This isn't to stop monopolisation, it's just an anti-dumbass system so that person A can't buy all the stock from person B (who doesn't know the admin shop price) then sell it to the admin shop and earn a profit.