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Here's a simple and fun game to mess with peoples wishes!

One person will make a wish. Someone else will come along and think of the best way to corrupt that wish... and will then make a wish for themselves.


Post #1 - I wish I had a million dollars!

Post #2 - But you cannot spend it, you can only give it away.
I wish I had powers of invisibility!

Post #3 - While invisible, you scream constantly like a dying hyena.
I wish I could breathe underwater!

And so on... ready? Here's the first wish:

I wish /tpa and /tpaccept actually existed.
I'll respond to both.
Stabby: Someone uses them to trap you in a cage and force you to witness them play Minecraft and build everything out of acacia.
Icomic: The nanobots develop an intelligence of their own and rebel against you, taking control of you instead.

I wish I had a money tree.
Unfortunately it only grows the Zimbabwe Dollar. So it will take you 10 years to harvest the 35$ Million, so you can buy a single egg.

I wish I could read peoples thoughts.
(You forgot to make your wish MadGamer XD)

I wish I could ride a flying pig, called a pigasus, which gave me all the (carcinogenic) bacon I wanted, free wifi and oinked rainbows.
(Have fun with this wish :P)
The pig can't handle the strain and dies mid-flight with you on it's back. No amount of bacon, wifi or rainbows can save you from a 50m fall, in fact the sheer amount of bacon you had consumed had added to your weight, and the bigger they are the harder they fall.

I wish I had the power to change any object to anything I chose, at will.
You can /tpo but everytime you do, you grow an extra limb and lose 1 year of your life . . .

I wish I could control everything with the power of my mind . . .
unfortunately you can only bring things to you and one day you get crushed by a car

I wish that i was the Creator of everything
The Illuminati kidnap you to be sacrificed to Cthulhu to awaken it from its slumber.
I wish i had an endless supply of Pasito soft drink on command.
You will come up with the best and all original ideas from this day forward, but it will lead to your death.

I wish I could see through wooden doors.
When you look at wooden doors, they instantly break into pieces, and allow you to see through. However every time, splinters fly towards you and are embedded in your body in places such as your eyes, chest and underneath your toenails.

I wish I had control over an army, with which I could conquer the entire world.
However when you conquer the world your army has nothing left to conquer. So it turns on you and conquers YOU!

I wish my wishes were incorruptible :P