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User Reason Date
foxon00 Ignroing staff requests 10/7/2017 10:32 am
foxon00 Not keeping it PG 10/7/2017 10:29 am
LvW Quit spamming the same question 10/7/2017 7:01 am
AzrionYT Advertising/Ignoring staff https://i.imgur.com/0ArBiM0.png 10/6/2017 3:40 am
MemesTM avoiding the chat filter after repeated warnings 10/5/2017 12:19 pm
sectagnex Nope 10/5/2017 4:56 am
ranngo Ignoring staff https://i.imgur.com/IN9feHx.png 10/4/2017 4:02 am
gligurs Ignoring staff https://i.imgur.com/IN9feHx.png 10/4/2017 4:02 am
xutube Shhhhtime 10/1/2017 12:15 pm
REFORMDPultacat Ignoring Staff/Avoiding chat filter https://i.imgur.com/ntK0ViT.png 10/1/2017 11:47 am