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User Reason Date
xxnoobxx904 Immature behaviour. SS confirmed. http://imgur.com/a/GWDZr 12/26/2015 6:44 am
BigSweatyGuy phallic house LB confirmed 12/25/2015 12:09 pm
kingnathjohn grief lb confirmed -68 70 980 12/25/2015 12:06 pm
Gloryleeds1919 Don't be a dick. Don't spoil Star Wars. 12/24/2015 2:02 pm
Techknow Poor behaviour http://i.imgur.com/eEZdBUk.png 12/24/2015 12:16 pm
Kim_JongUn If you can't be decent, get out http://i.imgur.com/xzV529O.png 12/24/2015 12:10 pm
I_Love_Jacinta Chat Spam SS proof 12/24/2015 6:09 am
Irish_Psycho xray:lb,watsons,vid proof 12/24/2015 3:49 am
HarryPotter___ Alt account (Merraki) http://i.imgur.com/MQfc1YH.jpg 12/24/2015 2:34 am
Hot_Girl_Jacinta Merraki Alt 12/23/2015 11:52 am