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Approved Unban Request



Your IGN:

Time and date that the ban occurred (Estimate):
2015-03-18 09:02:11

Survival or Creative:
Local - Survival

Admins online during the incident:
Ban was issued by 'davo_14'

What ban reason do you receive when attempting to log on?:


Why do you believe you should be un banned?:

I think i may have destroyed about 15(give or take) wooden blocks all up, and had no ill intentions- nor was I aware that if a structure was unprotected it was still an offense to break it.
I do understand now, after reading through the server rules that I was at fault and would very much like a chance to repent and believe that I can be a positive member of this community.
I am genuinely sorry, I do feel though that a straight up ban without warning is a little harsh, would never let this kind of thing happen again.

Please consider :smile: Thankyou!

Hi Zephyrae,
On AusCraft destroying anyone's property is considered griefing, and destroying 15 blocks is fairly considerable hence the straight up ban. However I can see that you put some effort into your request, and you seem genuine in saying it so on this occasion I am willing to unban you. Please make sure you understand the rules when you return and if you are unsure don't hesitate to ask.
I also think it goes without saying any more griefing will result in another ban
Enjoy the server mate!