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Rank Reset?



hey, so my IGN is Xplicitjohn, nicknamed, Nech213
My /ontime is currently 7hrs as of this post, it was reset when we last changed maps
My rank in game is currently a chicken, but i'm meant to be a slime, im not sure if this is a bug or some sort of punishment.
The last time i logged in was a few weeks ago, back then i was still a slime, during the break i changed from playing minecraft on my laptop to my desktop - that might be the cause.
Today when i logged in i received a message saying my package had been credited, but i have no bought anything from the website.

Any help appreciated !!!

You are not cute, you are not beautiful
you are both, you are cutieful :smile: -The_Block_Maker
Your rank may have reset from an expired package. Try logging in again and waiting a few minutes for ontime to recify itself