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In which form do you prefer clay being sold?

In which form do you prefer clay being sold?

  • Clay blocks (like in nature)

    Votes: 5 83.3%
  • Clay balls (the grey balls you get from breaking clay blocks)

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Clay bricks (clay balls after they are smelted)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


I reckon the title is pretty self-explanatory. I just want to get a good idea of what people want in general so I know what the general public wants. Hopefully this might also help others who want to sell clay! If I recall correctly, no shop sells clay yet so this could help out some people who want to get their clay collection going.

Also, if you want brick blocks being sold instead of clay, leave a comment below. Otherwise leave a comment below anyway if you want to contribute!
I think natural clay blocks would be a really addition to a shop, people may just want to use it for decoration, some others may use fortune to get more clay balls. People are just too lazy to go out and get clay themselves, so just giving them the clay block will provide them with what they need. Nice idea :smile:


The thing that is awkward for me is that most of my initial clay ball collection are now clay bricks LOL but this thread is good nonetheless, I'm getting a very good indicator of what the public wants, and at the moment it seems my clay will be dug with silk shovels in the future.

Keep the votes rolling in!

EDIT: Also, fortune doesn't work on clay blocks! If you break a clay block you will get 4 clay balls, no more, no less!


Thank you to those that have replied; it seems the most popular option is clay blocks!

I do, however, have one more question to ask. When people want clay blocks, it is most probably for the flexibility to make hardened clay, which I happen to have obscene amounts of due to my house biome. So my question is: if I also sold hardened clay, would that change your preference of me selling clay blocks? If so, what would you change it to?
Some players want clay blocks for bricks and for decoration. On the other hand, others want hardened clay. I think you should sell both if possible, and have a wide range of colors, since some players have trouble obtaining dye. However, if it was one option, i'd go for clay blocks still, since it just gives more opportunities and no one loses. :smile: