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Game (Riddles)

My riddle - Steve has nothing but a stone axe, 8 wooden planks and 4 sticks in his inventory. What is the other item in his inventory?


Way Down Under's where I live
Nobody's ever seen much of me (without cheating)
I am gross, and filthy, yes
And to you I'll give a beating
What am I?


You may take all that i give you, in return i all i ask is for the right tool.
But if you hit me i will leave you. But i can be remade quickly is you have the orange mask


I'm a pretty useless block
But can be found in a 3x3 space in a certain biome
or can be crafted from a certain ingot
What am I?
A splash states to try it.
Approaching 1.3, also a dev's final update.
Adds a portal gun, amongst other things,
Including a sword which flings,
Cats referencing a famous meme.

What is this game, and for extra points, what is this meme?
(btw, barely related to Minecraft cause it is a splash which states to try the game, if you go and say Minecraft items I will eat my head on my desk then go to sleep possibily suffering a concussion in the morning.)
Good luck!