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[DENIED] Flu-bb's bAdmin Application. xoxo

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Ingame Name: Fludude
Current Age: 14 and a bit.
Is the date between the 10th and 13th of the month: Yusm.
Do you have any previous bans: Not a single ban, sir.
Why you deserve bAdmin: Straight out, I'm not coming back to fuck around. I've taken a hiatus from both Aus-Craft and PC gaming in general. I've taken some time to get my shit together, and sort out my life. I've gotten off drinking and all the other caveats I previously carried - with the exception of my occasional mental state, and the inability to cease the use of profanities. I'm well aware I do not meet the age requirements, but I believe the Aus-Craft staff would know I have maturity beyond my years. I'm intending to come back as a bAdmin for the benefit of Aus-Craft, as I have free time to waste if my girlfriend shall allow, and I feel playing Aus-Craft now will be as fun for me as it was with my friends last September. I hope to bring fresh energy and a bunch of mates to Aus-Craft should I become bAdmin. Thanks for taking the time to read my application, and I hope you seriously consider my application before dismissing my application. Ily guise ~ Flu-bb. xoxo

"Love and tolerate"
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