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Denied Captain_Chicken Bmod Application

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19 hours
No bans
I want to be bmod because I have found a lot of players hacking (cough, Look_its_a_troll, cough), greifing and just being generally mean. I want Aus-craft to be a peaceful and happy server. I have been on Aus-craft for 4-5 months and have experienced a lot of people just being mean. This needs to stop!
Thanks for your application, It seem that you did not read the requirements for bmod Captain_Chicken.

1st. - Applicants should disclose knowledge of any previous bans on ANY server. Honesty about this is critical.

You had a temp ban of 3 days placed by myself after you griefed, which you have neglected to mention.

2nd. - Applicants should not have any warnings. If there are any warnings, please bring this to the attention of staff before applying. We may decide whether or not the warning can be removed.

You also have two warnings, which (to my knowledge) have not been brought to the attention of the Admin team.

Therefore, in accordance of the requirements for bmod, you Captain_Chicken are ineligible to qualify for any votes.

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