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  1. R

    Ranga_ Helper Application

    Ingame Name: Ranga_ Current Age: 29 What is your current Ontime: Over 9 days Do you have any previous bans: I'm not aware of any real bans Why you think you'll be a good Helper: I believe i would make a good addition to the staff team and Auscraft community as I've previously been a...
  2. R

    Denied Ranga_ T-Helper App

    Ingame Name: Ranga_ Current Age: 28 Is the date between the 25th and 28th of the month:yes (if not, do not submit your application) What is your current Ontime? 1 week 4 days (Hover over your prefix in-game) Do you have any previous bans: I'm not aware of any real bans (Enquire if unsure) Why...
  3. R

    what state has the most Auscraft Members

    Jukka and I thought it would be fun to find out which state has the most Aus-craftians. Which state reigns supreme?! Take your vote and lets see! Which state do YOU hail from/currently live in?!
  4. R

    Approved The_king69 Basic Mod Application

    In Game Name: The_king69 ( nickname Ranga ) Current Age: 22 Is the date between the 10th and 13th of the month: Yes : ) What is your current Ontime? 24 Days Do you have any previous bans: no bans ( 10/10 Reputation on MCbans.com ) Why you deserve bMod: I want to be a bMod because I wish...
  5. R

    Approved The_king69 bAdmin Applications

    Ingame Name: The_king69 Current Age: 22 Is the date between the 10th and 13th of the month: Yes :) What is your current Ontime? 18 Days Do you have any previous bans: no bans ( 10/10 Reputation on MCbans.com ) Why you deserve bAdmin: I dont know why i deserve to be a bAdmin but i...