If you didn't know, it was Minecraft's 15th Birthday earlier this year, and as 2024 comes towards an end, some of the staff at Mojang been very kind in sending some messages to myself and other server owners to share with our wonderful communities.
If you wish, please take some time and read their lovely comments below. I'm sure you'll recognise some names!
"I want to send a huge thank you to all of you! Seeing player creations and hearing player stories inspire us so very much here at Mojang and it also inspire many, many players all around the world! From a first dirt hut or a story about the slightly terrifying and very exciting first night to a grand castle, a precious mod, a charity project or a beautifully crafted world for others to enjoy - all those are beautiful and spread joy and fun to so many. And fun is indeed very important!
So, thank you for spreading joy and inspiration to us and millions of others. And, thank you for just having a fun time in Minecraft playing and creating in your own unique way. ❤️”

Game Director

Game Artist
"Minecraft's community has been a driving force of the game's success, without you all this would not have happened. Working on this game would not be as enjoyable if we couldn't read the community's sentiment, it's one of those rare game projects I feel proud of having worked on. I hope you stick around to see how Minecraft develops for the next 15 years haha!"
"As a member of the community since 2010, modder since 2011, and Minecraft designer/developer since 2018, I have watched Minecraft grow from its indie roots into the foundation of the cultural zeitgeist that it is today. So much of that is thanks to each and every one of you talented, creative individuals who make Minecraft what it is today.
You are the reason I love working on this game so much, and you are the reason why Minecraft will continue to succeed long into the future. Together, we inspire each other and future Minecraft players to dream, to create, and to inspire the future in return. Here’s to many more years of that!"

Gameplay Designer

Technical Lead, BE
"The best game ever made! Java Edition has had a massive, permanent impact on world culture through the community with player skins, texture packs, resource packs, data packs, mods, survival servers, mini-game servers, let’s plays, and more. Many game developers were made within the Minecraft community, some of which now work on the game itself! Perhaps you, the one reading this, will also create great things thanks to the community around you"
"It's hard to overstate how much I am inspired daily by you, this incredible community! From the ingenuity of data packers using matrix decomposition to perform division, or the dedication of modders and bug reporters to code-reviewing every snapshot; there's simply too much to mention!
Thank you all: for bringing people together, for teaching, inspiring, and learning from each other - and for just having fun all the while! <3"

Java Developer

“Thank you for being such wonderful players, I love seeing the amazing things you build, the beautiful relationships you all have in the game, keep being awesome!”
"Minecraft has the best community of players, modders and content creators that inspire millions. Seriously, you guys are the best bunch out there. Whether you're building epic mods, sharing hilarious content, or just having a blast in-game, you make Minecraft what it is - awesome. Big shoutout to everyone for 15 years of pure creativity and fun, and I am proud to be part of all the aspects that make Minecraft the phenomenon it is.
Thanks for being part of this wild ride, and here's to many more years of blocky adventures together!"

Java Developer

Community Manager
"Minecraft continues to inspire millions of people around the world, and getting to play even a small part in contributing to that is a massive privilege that I cherish. But it is you, the talented and creative community that makes all of this possible! Thank you for 15 years full of fun, ingenuity, and awe, and I just know that we are just getting started. Let's Go!!"
”If there is one word that brings the Minecraft players, community, content creators, development team, and myself together, it would be "passion". I have loved working on and playing Minecraft throughout the years, always being cheered - and scrutinized - by an energetic audience.
Early versions of the game could be compared to the dirt huts of newly created worlds, and now we're building on something more alike grand monuments alongside our players. And we will continue, because Minecraft truly is endless.”

Chief Creative Officer

Senior Producer
“I’ve spent nearly a third of my life working at Mojang on one thing or another, and the thing that has given me perspective throughout the years has been interacting with the community. When people share their firsthand knowledge, their feelings about something, or just want to show us their build, it’s a reminder that even though you’ve spent much of the last week stuck in meetings, that there are real people enjoying the results of the team’s work.
We make things to be creative, we make things that we want to see, and we even make things so that we can pay the bills; but we’re always making things for you.”
"I've been working on Minecraft for over 10 years now and before that I've been playing the game and was involved in the community for several years. It is still impressive and amazing to see what our players are creating in Minecraft, often far exceeding my expectations. I'm looking forward to working on more exciting features and everything our great community will create with them in the future."

Technical Lead for Minecraft Java Gameplay

Java Realms Content Creator Program Lead
"My journey within Minecraft wouldn't be possible without the community, and I have you to thank for making my job as enjoyable, inspiring and as fun as it is! I feel no qualms about going on record as saying I would put our Java mapmaking community up against any professional game developer when it comes to ingenuity, creativity and producing high quality experiences which I am truly blessed to provide a platform for.
My favorite aspect of Minecraft, which is the quirky, imaginative and unbridled creative spirit is encapsulated perfectly within our community - I don't think it's a hot take to say Minecraft wouldn't be what it is without it. Here's to countless more years, and I look forward to seeing all the new creations, playing through your amazing maps and being a part of your creative journey!"
“Has it been 15 years already? Thank you all for shaping Minecraft into something truly magical. The memes alone are fantastic!”

Community Manager

Technical Lead
”Over the course of 15 years, I've followed this game. First as a player, then as a content creator for it, and finally as a developer. It has been and continues to be a fantastic and inspiring community to be a part of. Thank you for taking what we do and making it even more awesome."
"It feels crazy to think about the sheer creativity in this community. We are merely providing you the building blocks, but it is you, who truly create and share your adventures. Every day I find new awe-inspiring videos and creations, new ways to experience Minecraft, and new people to admire. You have enriched my life since I took my first in-game steps in 2011 accompanied by some friends. Our builds were inspired by the early Minecraft video creators, and we wanted to make everything possible with all the mods.
It is really a game to be shared, and this community is shared by millions. That is your legacy. Keep exploring! ❤️"

Community Manager for Java Core