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Archived forums

  • As of September 2024, we have officially archived the forums after more than 12 years!

    The forums have primarily served as a place for news and announcements, but were otherwise not utilised. Given the costs and maintenance associated with running them mostly for news, we’ve decided to make a switch. Our new website still offers all the important features like the Store, Vote Page, Maps, and more, now with a cleaner and more organised layout for news and announcements.

    For other forum topics such as suggestions, team applications, and punishment appeals, these have been moved to our Discord.

Unknown's bAdmin Request

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Ingame Name: UnknownTaggg117 (Nick is Unknown)
Approved by: Luke and Heika_dashie
Why you deserve bAdmin: I believe I deserve bAdmin because I respect the rules of the server, I understand the importance of maintaining a server, I am in touch with some of the admins (I thought it would be a good reason because if there is a problem I can't handle I can tell someone with a higher authority.) I'm polite, nice, understanding and above all, I know when to shut up and listen.

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