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Archived forums

  • As of September 2024 we've archived these forums after over 12 years!
    The forums have always been somewhat unused, and mainly utilised as a place for news and announcements. The cost associated with forums just for news was unnecessary, so we've switched to our new website

Unbanned request



Your IGN: Funkymonkeyabcd
Time and date that the ban occurred (Estimate): I have absolutely no clue when this occurred my first guess would be when my brother was playing he always got my account into trouble but he doesnt play anymore
Survival or Creative: Survival
Admins online during the incident: No idea was not playing at the time
What ban reason do you receive when attempting to log on?: Griefing
Why do you believe you should be un banned?: Because i spoke to everyone always helped others out new to the server ! i loved playing with everyone it was so fun i cant remember his name. i think it was a admit vict or something like that we always built together and all that. but yeah in general i have never done anything wrong. always listened to everybody. i just wish to play on it again because its the best server i have to play on to be honest