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Approved Unban Request

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Please list any previous names or relevant alt accounts: N/A
Time and date that the ban occurred (Estimate): 12/10/2020 10:26 am
What punishment are you appealing? (Jail, Mute, Warning, Kick, Ban): Temp Ban
Staff online during the incident: No
What is the reason given for the punishment?: me and my friend stupidly stole some items from someones base.
Tell us your side of the story: i would like to apologise for me and splqshoce stupid actions . we did steal items from another base and would just like to apologise on our behalf as we miss playing on the server our ban has 3 days left but was just hoping if you could shorten that. i can assure you that we will definitly NOT do anything stupid like this ever again. thanks for your time :smile:


@Jarrodmclagit was the staff member that banned you and splqshoce, so please be patient whilst he reviews this.
Just to let you know, if splqshoce wishes to appeal their punishment they will have to do so in their own unban request.

@mayzle, because of your sincerity and seemingly genuine apology, I'll go through with your request to shorten your ban time.
As it's already been 5 out of the 7 days you were banned, I will shorten the length till ~3pm AEST, which is about ~2 hours from now.

I do hope that you won't continue in this behaviour as you sound genuine, and if not the next punishment won't be appealed so easily.
And as @CAMM_ said, if splqshoce wants a lift to this tempban to the same time, they'll have to make an unban appeal themselves.

We hope to see you play again :smile:
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