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Unban Request (Gehrinator)

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Your IGN: Gehrinator
Time that the ban occured: 12:45 pm
Server (PvP or Survival): Both
Admins online at the time you were banned: Luke1t0 (Rarity)
Local or Global: (You can check this at MCBans.com/player/<Your name>) Local
Why were you banned?: (You can check this at: MCBans.com/server/mc.aus-craft.net, Hit the "Bans" button and find your name and it should tell you why you were banned) I was banned for questioning why I was voided from the bAdmin votes. Before that, he Temp banned and muted me for asking how he hit me with a sword from over 10 metres away. I thought it was fine until I found out I was voided from the votes this morning. I wasn't too happy about the situation so I wanted to know how I could be voided for that. He started swearing at me so of course I replied with some abusive words and then he decided to permanently ban me. I was already punished enough for stating that he abused his powers which is justifiable, but I don't see how I could be perm banned for questioning his reasons behind voiding me from the bAdmin votes.




First of all, I honestly don't know.
Secondly, Hi
Thirdly, whoever banned you in the last screenshot has terrible grammar
You're screenshots are shit you started attacking me for hacking which i didn't and sinny told you then you attacked me for using a admin command in which I DIDN'T sinny told you it would appear in console then you started going off bout being voided and SINNY told me to do it last night.

Your first ban was done by me cause you were being a fucktard and sinny also told me to do
Second ban was done for being a fucktard attacking myself and being abusive
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