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Unban Request: Avalize

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Your Minecraft Name: 'Avalize'
Time: N/A - I was banned when I wasn't even in-game.
Admins online at the time you were banned: N/A - Noted as above.
What you think happened: Friends and I were building a house on the server, one of us got banned then I continued making the house then left shortly afterwards, then I check today and I am banned.
The reason given was: 'Grief' That's all I had to work with. 'grief' Thanks moderators, your doing your job well. /sarcasm.

Anyway, if I get unbanned, thanks for reading, if I don't then could I at least have a valid reason other than 'grief'.
According to mcbans you are not banned from the server, are you sure it is this server? this is mc.Aus-Craft.net
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