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unban plz XD

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Your IGN: genesisultima
Time that the ban occurred (Estimate): 10:00am 26 december 2012
Admins online during the incident: not sure
What did you do that you consider to be bannable?: I griefed somesones house


GenesisUltima :

You have been proven of griefing, taking over 200 blocks worth of property belonging to another player on the server.

You broke through a 30 block tall fence, and then proceeded to take the following..
Redstone from a Redstone Circuit, Stained Glass and MUCH much more.
You also killed several of his animals including horses.

You will NOT be unbanned and this is a global ban, which will require you to appeal this on MC-Bans if you want to play on any MC-Bans Server.

What also makes this worse, you only had 1 Hour and 40 minutes play time, and you did nothing BUT, grief someone else, during that 1 Hour and 40 minutes.

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