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The Battle Of The Econnomy

Soooo as I thought since the IRL economy is said to be crashing i felt inspired to make a suggestion on how to possibly improve AusCraft's economy.

Firstly this is the main ways of making money (if you know these methods skip past)

1. Digging up the desert (/warp sand is pointless because u dont gain mcmmo from it) Sand sells for a hefty $0.50 which in my books is quite significant and one of the best ways a new player would begin their journey of riches

2. Mining ores, now the only actual way to sell the more important ores is via a silk touch pick which again isnt to hard to come across BUT the only ores that actually sell for a decent amount is lapis, diamonds and emeralds so theres honestly no point filling your inventory with anything else when mining.

3. Shops, developing your own unique shop is quite the task and is only really completed successfully by the more elite players that have grinded their ass off for the restricted items such as end items

4. getting insanely lucky with vote keys and selling a spawner...

NOW this is what im suggesting.

In short:
Spawners of higher rarity (creepers or any other spawner you decide to add) should have a purpose of being able to earn back the absorbent amount of money it takes to purchase one for example gunpowder can be sold in shops for lets say 0.25 per gunpowder

The ability to purchase blocks that are extremely hard to grind for (example quartz) for a lot of people building is the most enjoyable part of playing and people usually certain types of blocks to use when building. For the more complex builders some of the blocks used in their builds are difficult to grind and make it demotivating to create.

Small rewards for slowly grinding through the ranks that have been set out. For example going from settler to wander is a big step and is one of the first things people grind towards and giving that small incentive of having that rank up would be awesome even just having like a key they could use or a cash reward or having each separate task completed in your way to ranking up gives a reward (killing 200 zombies / reward 20 diamond ores ) or just something like that

If you have any more additional ideas that would fit this post please leave a comment :smile:
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