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Spark Unban Req

Your IGN: Sparkxy_Wolf
Time that the ban occured: Unkown (To me)
Server (PvP or Survival): Survival
Admins online at the time you were banned: Nathan and Soko (as I have been told)
Local or Global: (You can check this at MCBans.com/player/<Your name>) Global D:
Why were you banned?: (You can check this at: MCBans.com/server/mc.aus-craft.net, Hit the "Bans" button and find your name and it should tell you why you were banned)
Griefing Mistydoves Nether fortress

Im sorry for griefing it I swear I will not do anything like this again I really didn't want to upset anyone I was just getting some Nether Brick because I couldn't see any other fortresses around I really messed up badly and regret it I would do anything to be unbanned D: