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Sexual Harassment



Hi, i was told to make a complaint about Luke, i was in a channel with Zoushio, Corasian, Luke and Ranga.

When Luke began to say some pretty innaproprate things, for exaple, he said "ill eat you, eat you out that is"
this made me feel very uncomfortable, to the point where i left team speak, i really do not feel comfortable around luke at all, Ranga, Corasian and Zoushio are all witness to this.
Luke will be given a firm warning, and zero chances. Any more behaviour like this will NOT be tolerated from him and result in a permanent ban from Auscraft.
I am sorry this has happened to you Decayed, and if there is anything I can do to help you with this, you can contact me privately either on the forums, through /mail ingame, or contact me on Skype with my IGN.