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My request to be unbanned.



Your Minecraft Name: nikomonster
Time: 11:30 PM, March 31, 2012
Admins online at the time you were banned: I honestly don't know, i went afk, was kicked, tried to join and it said that i had been banned.
What you think happened: To be 100% honest, i have no idea. Myself and my friend GEOMAG22 had built a house together, and traveled to the nether to collect items to build with. He had to go for the night so i stayed on and continued to build my house and work on a little farm out side. I had to go AFK to have a shower and when i came back it said that i had been kicked for being AFK which i knew happened. Thinking nothing of this i tried to log back in and it said that i had been Banned for griefing. I am completely un-aware of my grief, i do not recall griefing an one and if i did than i am truely sorry. I was really upset when i found out that i had been banned as i really enjoyed playing on the server and was keen to keep playing with GEOMAG my friend. I would really love it if i was un banned as i am truly sorry if i have caused any damage to another build.

