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Mute Appeal

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Appeal Thread
IGN: _Red_King_
Old Name: LordRoysten
Time: 5:20 Pm 10th Febuary 2018
Punishment: Jail and Mute
Staff: Aria
Reason: Not following staff instructions.
My Side Of Story: I have something to discuss. I was playing survival and chatting with one of your fellow staff members who goes by the name of Aria. I was discussing this plugin idea that is called Block Finder, basically, it's this device that you craft with diamonds and a few other blocks and you put it down in the wilderness and put a few diamonds in it and it gives you xray for 5 seconds. I thought this was a good idea. Me and Aria discussed this for around 5 minutes and she kept saying xray is just not allowed. Then she said something along the lines of, "This is the end of the conversation If you wish to continue discussing this take it forums. We do not allow any form of xray." From that point on I decided to stop talking about it. But being the cheeky bugger I am I decided to finish the conversation with "But it's not xray. It's Block Finder. HeHe. Then the staff member jailed me for 1 minute the gave me a 6 hour mute. I think this is unfair because I agreed to stop talking about this plugin but I just wanted to make a quick joke, Cause that's the kind of person I am. So I pretty much got muted for following her command and making an innocent joke. I also was hoping to apply for helper sometime in the future but now I can because I have a mute in my history. Can you please remove this mute. Anyways I think this staff member lost there temper and decided to mute me, I believe that she had no reason too. So please, can you remove this mute from my history. Also I did not recieve any warnings she just kept talking about xray being a bad idea. But it wasn't xray it's block finder.
Links: https://imgur.com/a/WJUNo


Hi _Red_King_,

Thank you for posting your appeal, and in the correct section of the forums. It's genuinely great to see someone being able to navigate the forums correctly and posting in appropriate sections. That is promising of a player who intends to become a server Helper (which is a point I'll come back to later).

I want to quickly re-iterate part of the conversation we had, where you initially suggested the implementation of a paid x-ray perk for players to use x-ray once a day for 10 seconds. At AusCraft, we've disallowed the use of x-ray for a good reason: because it provides a way for players to get access to ores in a way that is entirely unfair for other players. Making it a paid perk makes the problem worse (I reckon), because then you will still have players who will use hacked clients or texture packs to illegitimately get the ores like they already do now, but on top of that it becomes an unethical way for a server to monetise the gameplay, while making the experience ridiculously pay-to-win – especially when part of our ranking system on the server counts your mining mcMMO level and the ores you mine. It doesn't matter if a player uses it for a few weeks, a day, or just 10 seconds: using x-ray for any amount of time is still using x-ray, and for that reason I honestly did not think that it was worth continuing a discussion of the plugin suggestion in chat. The rules were not established by me, they were established by the server owners and so it must be accepted as law. I don’t get to debate them, and you don’t get to debate them. In today’s incident, I acted to remind you of the law. I hope we are in agreement on this now.

This brings me to my second point. Eventually you ended up saying “Okay how about instead of x-ray, I call it Block Finder, and…”. If you dress a wolf in sheep’s clothing, it’s still a wolf. Calling x-ray “Block Finder” is giving x-ray a nicer name as a disguise to hide under. So no, when I eventually asked you to stop, you absolutely did not follow my request as you claim. You pushed the line and said “It’s not xray, its[sic] block finder XD”. Even now, in this very appeal alone, you still mention that it’s not x-ray and that it is Block Finder. In doing so, you did not listen to a staff request, as stated in the rulebook. As a consequence, I issued a warning (yes you received a warning) and a tempmute of 6 hours.

When I was reflecting on my actions a while after the warning and tempmute and when you privately messaged me on the forums, I did at first think you were sincere and had seriously thought about your actions. But upon reading your appeal, I was truly disappointed at the last sentence you left off with, as I still do not think the consequences of your actions have sunk in. Nevertheless, I will remove the warning that has been placed on you. However, I have no intention of removing your tempmute, based on the contents of this appeal.

You would rightfully be concerned about how this may affect your eligibility for Helper this month. I have conferred with a server owner and their current position is that only active punishments (of any sort) will stop you from applying and joining the staff team. That means when I remove the latest warning from your account, your only active punishment (the tempmute) will not be an issue by tomorrow morning, after which you are free to submit an application. I must impress upon you that the owners may change their position on the issue at any point in time, and if past punishments will be taken into consideration, then you have accumulated 2 mutes and a warning (not today’s one) across the history of your account, which would not bode well for your application. Nonetheless, I encourage you to read the template, ensure you meet all criteria and then apply as it is my hope that you redeem yourself with appropriate behaviour from now on, which will reflect positively on you.
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