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Market Report 140802 - Shop Prices Rising

Market Report 2nd August 2014

As a general observation , Due to the fluctuations with server connections in the past weeks, many shop keepers have closed down and item prices for diamonds have risen due to changes to supply in demand as shopkeepers who cannot keep up with the demand are raising prices , while shopkeepers who keep up demand already have high price ranges.

Most Shops Diamond Prices went from: 100 > 150 to 200 (approx 75% price increase)

Note: There are still a few shops that stock low price diamonds

while all the other stock items seem to be keeping the same price as the supply and demand for items that are not hard to find like iron ingots and leather are keeping a fair price.

Players who farm for money in creeper farms to buy diamonds will have a slightly harder time during this time period until more players return to keep the supply up.

Overall , Creeper farming is still profitable over mining in most situations.
Good luck to all players in the market!

Please note that all of this information is opinion based - for your reference and peace of mind only.
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Also, using huge battery farms and selling the wheat/nether wart/sugar cane at the admin shop is a good way to make a quick buck.