Welcome to the new AusCraft website!
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*Inserts cheesy thread title here*

Hi everyone! My names Birky, and I am indeed new to this server. I've played for about 2-3 hours now and so far have created a small house hidden in a dark oak forest! During the creation of this house, I was killed by a nasty skeleton, and almost lost all of my items and work on the house because I forgot to /sethome. But luckily a friendly player decided to be a legend and tell a mod that was on Teamspeak to come on and find my home and teleport me there and luckily enough all of my items were still on the ground! So huge props to the both of those people.

Any ways, nice to meet you! I'm 18 years old, and live in Queensland. I recently quit my full-time job so have a lot of spare time on my hands to play on the server and meet you all, and I certainly look forward to it! So come jump on Teamspeak and chat with me if you have some spare time and maybe we could be best buddies! :smile:


Hey man,
Welcome to ze forums! Glad to hear you're enjoying the server.
I haven't seen you much in-game, so give us a yell when you're on :smile: