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Approved HotHands' bmod application once again

Ingame Name: HotHands2018
Current Age:15 yes I know it says different... I have asked around for someone to change it, but no one has got a round to it yet.
Is the date between the 10th and 13th of the month:Yessum
(if not, do not submit your application)
What is your current Ontime? 13 days 7 hours
(Check with /ontime in-game)
Do you have any previous bans: I do not I have also verified this with McBans
(check MCBans if not sure)
Why you deserve bMod: Welllll I think I deserve Bmod because I have been with aus-craft since I think 1.6?
I have been here a really long time and would like to help contribute more to the server. I am starting to become more active in the server. I will be limited to about 2-4 hours a day considering school is going to be starting up here in a couple months. I also just returned from a fishing trip which is why I have not been on for the past 4-5 days. On the bright side though I hope to make a tremendous return. I hope to see everyone on the server.

Thanks for reading
