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Horse Selling an fyi to prevent further confusion

So I had a situation last night of one of the mods who made an assumption that I was scamming players by selling horses. So I thought it would be best to make a thread to inform those who are not aware of what I am doing to prevent future confusion that may result in a ban.

I breed horses, every horse at my estate are either caught or bred, I actually cannot spawn horses with apples because I have too many (And I didn't know you could until after I hit cap). All the caught horses I have will never be sold as they are core breeding stock.

I have actually been breeding horses non stop since their release, mostly in the hopes to convince Jeb to fix the breeding issue, and thus I need to keep an active log of horse breeding to provide any new data required for this ticket - https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-16533

I could rant about horse mechanics to emphasise this but here is some general facts to clear any issues

- I spend a lot of money buying gold to make golden carrots to breed
- I get 32 breedings from one stack of gold.
- It takes over 6 stacks of 64 gold to produce 1 good horse, sometimes I may not see a good horse born for more. At this current point I have used 12 stacks on one pair the past 2 days and still waiting on a good horse to generate from the breeding.
- I breed for stats, meaning I breed horses that are well above average and are very difficult to breed/find/spawn or produce
- The failure rate for exceptionally bred horses is 98% meaning I kill more horses and make a loss than I do making a profit selling the ones I do keep.
- I only sell horses that are above average, not a single horse I sell runs slower than 13 blocks per second. That means 98% of horses I breed die. Sometimes I even kill the horses I sell to replace with better ones for ppl to buy.
- donkeys are exceptionally above average and capped at 12.7 blocks per second and 3.7 block high jump (as far as I can tell) all donkeys I breed are guaranteed to be better than spawned donkeys. This is a fact, spawned donkeys never exceed a speed of 9 blocks per second and none exceed 1.5 block high jump.
- Currently I sell horses based on speed, horses that run 13-13.5 blocks are $1000 and horses that run 13.5-13.8 blocks are $2000. Donkeys are $500 and mules are $800. So far I have 3 horses that run 14 blocks, they are not for sale, and if I do sell a horse that can run 14 blocks, expect it to be far more expensive. The last I recall I went through more than 200 stacks on another server before I got one foal born that could run 14 blocks, it is terribly rare due to the crap mechanics made by mojang.

Until mojang fixes the breeding issue, it takes a tonne of effort to make the horses I do, this said I am more than happy to help anyone who wants to try, otherwise feel free to just buy the great horses from me. Or if you want a shortcut you can buy good horses from me and you can breed the good horses and hope for the best. Or if I have time I am happy to help people out and let them know their current horses stats or mentor their breeding with them. I am by no means trying to keep everything to myself, I am more than happy to help anyone keen enough to breed.

methods of measuring speed and jumping ability is done in a number of ways

1- redstone track timer
2- horse stat mods
3- block measuring
4- manual timing

Currently I use a mod called zyin's hud to tell me the horse stats for ingame stat viewing. It is efficient and makes it easier to provide data to make the following spreadsheets for mojang to review:


The only benefit I have is I can see block numbers (13 blocks is run speed per second, so 13 blocks per second), unfortunately if mojang had done the breeding maths right the first time such mods wouldn't have to exist. I have been pressuring them actively to change this because only a crazy horse person like myself is currently willing enough to spend 8 hrs a day breeding horses for that 1 good horse (yes I really am, sad isn't it?) I want them to make horses more fun to breed for everyone, so the testing continues until they finally see the problem for what it is. Horses are more complicated than redstone and enchanting at this present stage.

So, that is the full gist. hopefully this clears up any concerns/worries and puts anyone at ease who thought I was scamming people. I definitely am not scamming anyone, the money I make is lost in gold, and will be until I eventually reach max stats in all colours or until mojang steps up their game and simplifies horse breeding and makes it more linear.

The horses I breed cannot just be replaced with a spawn horse, as their stats are unique, this is why the other day when I was sending modrequests to change ownership of a bought horse to brabess that I was persistant in not killing the horse or just replacing it. Thankfully I managed to solve the problem after 4 hrs of problem solving. Please know these horses are exceptional horses, the chances of spawning these is as low as breeding them.

And now you know why I am called crazy horse lady.. The end..
With regards to ownership of horses, it's tied to whoever placed the saddle on the horse. Simply remove the saddle and have the new owner place a new saddle, then the horse will be theirs.
G'day Khaidu,
First of all "Good Job" with the breeding program, hope it works out well for you.
Second, I think we/you should make you a zombie pigman farm with a long drop for for the sole purpose of collecting gold (sure beats buying it), coupled with a sorter that only keeps the gold and sends the rest to a incinerator.

With regards to ownership of horses, it's tied to whoever placed the saddle on the horse. Simply remove the saddle and have the new owner place a new saddle, then the horse will be theirs.

On a second note, If you mount the horse then put the saddle on using the inventory, it will cause ownership to go back to the previous owner.
Make sure you right click on the horse with a saddle to obtain ownership. We tested this out with a few people.

I can also confirm that Khaidu's horses are well worth the price, if not under-priced as finding horses with over 13 blocks run speed or just even breeding a horse to have 13 blocks run speed does cost you immense amounts of time and money.
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I like Khadu's horses, but I can't afford one as I am saving up for a Magestone for an AFK room I am building.
Thanks guys :smile:

I now have a saleyard set up where horses available for sale can now be viewed, I have even added signs to tell you what stats each horse has so you know what you are buying.

Use /warp equitanasale

If you are looking for a horse above 13.7 however you will need to ask me to see them as horses above 13.7 are priced a bit higher due to rareness.