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Halloween Boss Feedback


Not receiving the boss crate key for the boss fight when you die is incredibly unfair. Especially when it only targets all its damage onto one person.

Paid $2500, did all the waves, used 3 god apples and 4 totems of undying, only to die right at the end of the fight and get absolutely nothing from it is incredibly disheartening.

Please review the death system for future events.


Suggested amendment:

Add a variable on death that indicates the person had died during the fight, and how long the person survived throughout the fight.
Adjust the rewards to scale with each level of key, where the rewards are assigned a value and the player is given an item of equivalent value to the scale of the key received.

ie if they make it only to the 8th wave out of 10, they receive a key that will be tagged to scale 0.8 of the reward.

This allows players to still be rewarded for the effort they committed without being able to cheese rewards by spamming early deaths.


Hey @Eldorkable, cheers for the feedback!

Completely understand that you felt disheartened by not receiving a reward. I've put a Boss Crate Key in your inventory, so make sure you use it ASAP!

I plan to adjust the current system to allow for respawning - which obviously will be at a cost, but will still allow you to finish the fight and receive a reward.

Add a variable on death that indicates the person had died during the fight, and how long the person survived throughout the fight.
Adjust the rewards to scale with each level of key, where the rewards are assigned a value and the player is given an item of equivalent value to the scale of the key received.

ie if they make it only to the 8th wave out of 10, they receive a key that will be tagged to scale 0.8 of the reward.

This allows players to still be rewarded for the effort they committed without being able to cheese rewards by spamming early deaths.
There's no where to add such a variable currently, and there's also no way of scaling the reward system - which I would probably never do either because it would mean a complete rewrite of the crate system.
