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Geth's bAdmin Application

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Current Age: 27
Is the date between the 10th and 13th of the month: Why yes, yes it is.
Why you deserve bAdmin:

I believe that I deserve to be a bAdmin because such a position will allow me to make a greater contribution to Aus-Craft and its members. I already possess the Enderdragon rank and, as many can attest to, I already enjoy the abilities to fly freely and teleport as I wish, thus those have no place in my motivation to become a bAdmin. I have been a member of Aus-Craft for a while now and play regularly, and as such, I feel that I have what it takes to be a good addition to the rank of bAdmin, and, if given the chance, I will prove that I am deserving of the power and responsibilities that come with it.

Like most, if not all of its members, I enjoy being a part of Aus-Craft and despise seeing the privileges afforded to us taken for granted and abused by those who would grief and destroy our virtual world. Therefore, as a bAdmin, I would be diligent in ensuring that those who deliberately cause damage are dealt with and removed from the server. However, I do not believe that those who are new and may accidentally cause damage should be dealt with as harshly as the previously-mentioned group. Those that are genuinely unaware that they have griefed (such as those who are new and take from another's garden because their health is low) will informed of their mistake and instructed to replace what they have taken/damaged. I have already done this with several new players and even gone as far as providing them with my own supplies to repair the damage. That said, I will not allow any griefing that I find to go unaccounted for, neither deliberate, nor mistaken, and I will respond accordingly to requests by other players for repairs to be made and for action to be taken.

As I already do, I will continue (with or without bAdmin powers) to help the other members of Aus-Craft, whether that be helping to retrieve items lost at a player's death, teaching new players to use the Communal Greenhouse to restock their food supplies, allowing others to use my custom XP Grinder, or just providing supplies to others when I have excess.

As a bAdmin, I feel that I can make a greater contribution that will benefit us all.
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