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Approved Eesay application

Ingame Name: Eesay
Current Age: 24yrs 11months
Is the date between the 10th and 13th of the month: Indeed :D
(if not, do not submit your application)
What is your current Ontime? 3days (over past 2weeks)
(Check with /ontime in-game)
Do you have any previous bans: No
(check MCBans if not sure)
Why you deserve bMod: I’m aware that I have only been on this server for a short period of time in comparison to many others, however I believe I can bring forth a helpful attitude and polite role to the many players and staff of this server. I enjoy helping others out greatly in general which extends into the games I play, which I believe is a vital attribute for any member of a community, let alone ‘staff’ position.

I have tried to meet as many people I can during my play time and to maintain a polite and friendly attitude, offer help whenever I can whether be physical or information wise, and most importantly be active in both the server as well as server chat.

I have run several servers myself in the past (all small and mainly friends based – roughly 10 players) so I have basic understanding of some of the ‘behind the scenes’, and am relatively familiar with some of the more commonly used plugins (although that doesn’t apply much to this application, there is some knowledge there) and because of this enjoyment for trying to give back to others and provide a fun and enjoyable environment for people to play, this is why I am applying for this position. Although this environment has already been set up (which is why I am here to start with) I wish to be able to give back and help contribute as much as I can.

I don’t take this application lightly as I wish to become a long term member of this community (be that a mod or any other staff position or simply as a player enjoying this great server) which is why I have purchased in game ranks so early on (which isn’t something to boast about nor do I say it to better this application) simply to say that I have enjoyed this server and its members and staff that I made a ‘commitment’ so to speak on supporting this server.

I have also spent a lot of time on the servers forums trying to catch up on past posts, and have tried to contribute and be active where I can on these posts and new threads of my own.

For what it’s worth, I am currently playing anywhere from early to late evenings most weekdays (working around my work, gym and family commitments. Likewise with weekends, however much more time during the day and later nights.

Without rambling on much more, this is all I can think of at the moment. If there are any questions on this application or anything else, please don’t hesitate to ask!

Kind regards,
