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Dash (Dxshes) tHelper app

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ingame name: Dxshes

Current age: 16 (D.O.B - 2/06/2004)

Is the date between the 25th and 28th of the month: Sure is!
(if not, do not submit your application)

What is your current Ontime? 1 day and 15 hours
(Hover over your prefix in-game)

Do you have any previous bans: once on a seperate server back in like 2013 due to me swearing at a staff member.
I don't recall having any warnings on the Auscraft network.
(Enquire if unsure)

Why you think you'll be a good tHelper:
I really want to be a member of the staff team, not for the name. But to extend how much I can help people, for example: Someone has been griefed or has had their items stolen, I would love to restore the items for them. Or if people are spamming chat and mentioning inappropriate topics (racism, terrorism, sexism and other offensive subjects.) I have taken notes from what current staff members are doing in these situations and the procedure goes somewhat like this: A user has spoken about slavery or racism in chat, they will get a verbal warning. If they continue with this behaviour they will get a warning or a temp ban for a day. Then if they join back continuing this behaviour they will get a perm ban and will only be able to join back via filling out an appeal on the website that is meaningful and shows they are truly sorry and wish to join back. These will have to go through higher staff members to be accepted. I am on the server a lot of the time and in the past couple of days I have racked up a total of 1 day and 10 hours of playtime. I already help new players by giving them some decent gear and giving them a place to stay while they level up and get better items.

I am willing to put the time into the server and I accept full responsibility for my actions as a staff member, if I make it into the team. I am willing to learn and I know some of the basic commands due to me having a little bit of admin/staff experience on a small private server for me and my friends. As a staff member I understand the responsibilities and I am also open to helpful criticism by other staff members to help me learn new stuff and excel in this position.

Here's my current ontime:


Limited hours/busy
- 3 Hours a day

Free all day
- up to 7 hours a day, sometimes more.

General Saturday
- up to 5 hours a day.


Limited hours/busy
- 2-4 Hours a day

Free all day
- up to 7 hours a day, sometimes more.

General Sunday
- around 5 hours a day



Homework afternoons
- 30 mins a day

No homework afternoons
- 1-2 hours a day


Friday afternoons
- up to 4 hours.

Thanks for reviewing my application, I really hope I make it in the team! Auscraft is an amazing server and I love the warm welcoming experience you guys provide. I have truly never seen another server quite like this one, you guys have an amazing staff team and I would appreciate it so much for the chance to help this server grow and become an even better place to be. I understand the responsibilities as a staff member such as, not to beg for votes, keep it formal and don't talk about sensitive content in chat and or in private dms with other server members. You are not allowed to disclose private server information such as future plans for the server (events, Resets, New staff members who are about to be applied to a position.) Thanks for the opportunity and again, I hope I can help make Auscraft a better place! Please let me know if I have forgotten any information on discord or private messages on the server!

- Alex (a.k.a - Dash)
EDIT: (Fixed up the spacing it was all messed up)
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Server Moderator
wow even got the avaliabillities on there :joy:
ahah, nice application Dash, Good luck ^-^


Cheers for applying, and goodluck!
We will be announcing the successful Helper on the 1st.
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