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DarkSmurf_'s tHelper Application

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Ingame Name:

Current Age:
42 (aka: oooold!)

Is the date between the 10th and 13th of the month:
Yeah, but i'm cutting it fine!

What is your current Ontime
14h 9m 33s on this map (been around since 2015 or thereabouts off and on, over at least 2 map resets)

Do you have any previous bans
Pretty sure i've never been that bad!

Why you think you'll be a good tHelper:
I'm always happy to try and answer questions from others especially newbies. Also, if i see something like someone hasnt replanted a plot in Farm, i'll go and replant it (if i knew who it was, i'd remind them that its not cool to leave it). I'm also always happy to TP to someone in difficulty and help out if i can, either with mob kills or even distracting them .

I like to think i'm pretty relaxed, but if someone's breaking rules blatantly, or especially breaking rules to the detriment of other players .... </reaches for the Ban Hammer> ... if i had one :p

Generally, I just like helping people out, and trying to make sure they're having a great time here.


Smurf :D
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