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DarkHunter747 Junior Admin Application



MineCraft Name: DarkHunter747

I will donate 8$ a month: I can't not donate 8$ a month because my parents won't let me, and it seems that if the server is in short supply of admins, they should reduce the needed things, as most minecraft players are young.

Why I deserve to be a Junior Admin: I won't suck up like many other applications i looked at, i will speak the truth of what i think. I think i should be a Junior Admin because i find that many people when i am on are raging around swearing and griefing, and for the younger kids that play minecraft that can be annoying because this is an Australian based server, and not many admins are on at the time i am on, i live in austria so i can watch over the server while all the other admins have some rest. Also since i am young i can not play alot during weekdays, but i will try to do so at any time possible but on the weekends i will try and be on 24/7. I also find many buildings which are made out of a combanation of cobble and wood which make it look bad and nobody is living in it, in makes the server look bad and many people will leave thinking that this is griefer town, to reduce this happening i suggest that we bring in towns so that people can build towns and people can live in it knowing that their house won't get burned down when they get off. Another thing is that i saw some of the youtube videos and i'm thinking ok y don't you build magnificent building closer to spawn and make a spawn city, i shall stop here because you are proberly thinking get on with it.

I will be active on the forums and have it open whenever i'm playing on the server but like i said that is if i can get on.

I know the Basics of Bukkit but i will continue to go though them when i have time.

I know most of the server rules just need to read though them acouple more times and will know them all.

My date of birth is: 28/10/1999 and i may be twelve but i think you should not judge by age but by ablity.

Regards, DarkHunter747