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Approved Corasian's BMod App. Yet again.

Ingame Name: Corasian
Current Age: Mid Twenties (debatable as apparently I am a a immortal Vampire from another galaxy)
Is the date between the 10th and 13th of the month:
I believe it is on this planet
What is your current Ontime?
8 Days 7 hours. This time it went up. YAY!
Do you have any previous bans:
Not to my knowledge and I can't find any trace of a ban. However I believe any ban worth noting would have been done by aus-craft staff which there are no bans.
Why you deserve bMod:
Well I think I have been a good bMod during the last month. Maybe my on time hasn't been great in the past week but I can rectify that if I need to be online more often.

If I retain bMod you will see that I will continue to be as thorough as I have been when find people who have broken rules. You probably have seen that I gather as much evidence as I possibly can against a person before seeking bans, tbans or warnings against the person.

I deserve to be Bmod as I am an active member of the community which has proven to be reliable and helpful when the opportunity arises. I have shown this as I have been both helpful to the staff in tracking down grief and finding grief on the server, I have attempted to show other members of the community how to perform tasks such as how ps stones work and showing people where particular things like shop are. You have most likely have seen that I have a willing to learn to be a better mod and learn to better track down griefers.
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You said it yourself, only thing you really needed to improve was your ontime (and staying away from J).
Best of luck dude! :smile: