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Basic Commands Guide

Best Command in game : /rules

Aus-craft Wiki Commands List:

/sethome - sets your respawn point
/home - goes to respawn point

/afk - puts you on AFK mode, though you will still be kicked when AFKing for 15 mins

Warp Commands for Mooshroom Rank and up:
/warp help
/warp create <warp name> - creates a public warp
/warp pcreate <warp name> - creates a private warp
/warp delete <warp name> - deletes a warp
/warp invite <player> <warp name> - invites a player to a warp
/warp uninvite <player> <warp name> - uninvites a player to a warp
/warp public <warp name> - sets warp to public
/warp private <warp name> - sets warp to private
/warp assets - see your warp limits and warps created

LWC Chest & Door Protection Commands List:

Precious Stones Protection Command List:

Disguise Command:

/u - undisguise

Special Example:
Disguise as Orange Baby Sheep
/d sheep baby setcolor orange
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