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Aus-craft comparison

I have been on MANY servers in my MC life and i would like to put out the pros and the cons of this server...
I will not put any IP addresses or server names down in this post. This post is mainly to show where we can improve the server and make it a much better environment. I apologizes for bad spelling and grammar as I have rushed this post. No names will be brought up during this post.

I have found that as i play Aus-Craft i do not get to the point that i don't know what to do as there is always something to do. For example, the Ender Dragon is reset every 30 minutes giving the game a whole big reason to wait for it to spawn. This gives me the feeling that most MMORPG games have. I have went into killing the Ender Dragon with about 10 people and we all destroy him without any lag or frustration.

There are also a lot of great player though out the server. I do see many people getting banned everyday and at first i find it bad. i once had a server my self and i never would ban someone for the reasons that admins are banning them now. But as i look back on these bans i see that its better to be safe from the people who do 2-4 blocks than have to deal with them later on. I would normally try to talk with them people who do the griefs before i ban them so that they don't leave forever if they are a nice person. I would suggest that we jail the player before we ban so we can tell them what they have done wrong and tell them how long they are banned for, eg. 5 days or perm ban.

We can only make this server a better place and i look forward to getting any suggestions for my post or reply's from admins or owners. Thank you for your time and i will be doing posts like this more often.
If they read the rules in the first place they wouldn't grief. Although reading the rules isn't necessary, it is smart to do so so they can't complain if they know what they're doing and they get the consequences... Sometimes we can reason with the griefer if it's not a major grief, E.G, around 2 or 3 blocks, sometimes I won't even bother if it's less than 2 blocks, I'll just roll them back and hope it doensn't happen again.

Can you provide some examples of these ban reasons you don't like? Perhaps we can shine some light on the situation, also remember this is Aus-Craft. Different servers have different rules / leeways on the rules.


As Gibbs said, the rule is clear when a player joins the server.
Although, if they do accidentally grief, they should try to contact someone (an Admin preferrably) by a /modreq or ingame chat to help reverse their grief.
There isn't anything wrong with small griefs that are self-reported, and the player can get away without a ban. But if they don't bother to tell anyone, and continue on with their lives as if they haven't done anything, they aren't really the quality we expect for AusCraft players.
Plus, most griefing bans are made while the player is offline, so they aren't around to reason with or jail.

Also, thanks for the positive feedback :smile:
I don't wanna be saying names but someone was banned for placing 2-3 blocks on a rails that were not protected and they got temp banned for 2-3 days. I know this is not really something BAD and i agree with the temp. The only thing is that they will have a hard time to get BAdmin.
I absolutely love the server and i hope this doesnt effect any of your views on me as a player. Thank you for your replys and i hope to see you on Aus tonight :smile:
They placed more than 2 - 3 blocks. The screenshot you saw only pictured a few blocks, but there was more. 99% of the time we have a perfectly good reason to ban someone, we don't ban anyone when we can because that's just idiotic. We appreciate your feedback but the workings of this server are clearly displayed for players and our staff are trained well in the bAdmin process, then it's judgement time if they're good enough. Just saying that's how it works, we're not all running about like headless chickens with a ban command and a fancy nametag :P
Thanks for the reply yet again. I can see you are doing a AWESOME job. I had a server many years ago and i could really learn from you guys. i can see you are not a 12 year old trying to make a server run but you are a responsible group of friends with the right mods. If you ever run for PM i will vote for you over Abbott any day. Thanks for being a great server mod.

Sorry about any mistakes i made during this thread. :smile: