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User Reason Date
_112 he said "butt" 9/16/2017 9:08 am
BatmanDance Player abuse/Avoiding chat censor 9/16/2017 5:58 am
BatmanDance Chill 9/16/2017 5:57 am
TommyD16 Chill 9/16/2017 5:57 am
Electric_Angel Ignoring Staff https://imgur.com/a/r9ywo 9/16/2017 4:34 am
UNEAK Inappropriate Chat https://i.imgur.com/Bsa2TJB.png 9/16/2017 4:28 am
UNEAK Inappropriate Chat after two verbal warnings https://i.imgur.com/BmIpEzN.png 9/16/2017 3:50 am
cody2150 abuse in chat 9/15/2017 4:59 pm
cody2150 Quiet time (Abusing Players) https://i.imgur.com/1cuyf63.png 9/15/2017 2:40 pm
DannyTheWaffle Disgusting behaviour, insults 9/15/2017 6:09 am