Welcome to the new AusCraft website!
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Greetings and Salutations

I have been playing for a few days now, so I thought it would be only customary to make a post.

So, hello? I am Khaidu, or you can call my Kylie, whichever is fine. So far I am enjoying the server. It is a surprisingly nice change and apart from playing a mo'creatures server this is about the most modified server I have played and enjoyed. I am enjoying the community a lot.

Originally I was strictly a vanilla server player but the server I used to play on was decommissioned by the owner without prior warning. I had been on it for about a year, and while I was frequently offered to be a mod on the server I declined each time as I merely wanted to play, it wasn't until after going through a number of questionable mods and sudden drop outs I decided to take the position of mod to prevent the risk of another incompetent mod being chosen and ultimately screwing what community we had left on the server. Unfortunately it had already been mostly damaged and I guess the owners interest had long been gone and stopped paying for it's upkeep.

There isn't too much to say, I am a quiet player, and a bit of a solo. I do enjoy seeing other peoples builds and like to offer any crits I may have. I am an unbiased player, meaning I don't care what rank you are or how long I have known you I treat everyone equally. I am a very logical thinker and will partake in a discussion if it is of interest. I do not like griefing (actually I once played on a server that had griefing, I spent 3 days building a sandstone house after farming all the sand only to have it levelled the next day, I was so upset I quit, I couldn't handle it, I never will go to a griefing allowed server again).

I was dubbed the crazy horse lady on the previous server, and if you see my posts on minecraft forums or reddit you would probably see why. If you have any horse breeding questions or the like I will definitely know the answer. I plan to continue my horse breeding program on the server so if you want a fast horse or donkey just shoot me a message and I may have some to give in due time.

I enjoy building medieval structures but generally I stick to small town sizes.
Oh I am also an artist and spend a lot of my time drawing if I am not working or playing. Eventually I hope to get a concept art or illustration position in the gaming industry within Australia. You can see some of my art at khaidu.deviantart.com

Other games I play are guild wars 2, wow, terraria, starbound, skyrim and more. But mostly I stick to mmo type games :smile:

So now this is done, I look forward to continuing playing with you all :smile:
The problem with greifing servers is people don't build anything because they know it'll get griefed which means there's nothing left to grief. Its a very stupid cycle.

Look forward to seeing a market for specific horses too, if you play your cards right, you stand to make a lot of money selling horses and mules.

Enjoy your time in Aus-Craft :smile:
G'day & Welcome Khaidu, We hope you enjoy your stay here :smile:

If you do have any problems with wanton destruction of the builds you make, do a /modreq where the problem is, with a brief outline and staff will get to it asap. :smile:

Cheers Dobby